I got 2 sweaters that are pretty warm but they are tight, I have pretty big boobs and a relatively big head so getting in and out of these are a little difficult but once their on their pretty comfortable and warm the pocket in front is fragile though on the one with the 2 girls on it and macarons the pocket stitching came loose a bit not completely off but it did rip a little things can still be put in the pockets so its not a big loss.
Of course I couldnt resist getting a bunch of new thigh highs! I was going to get all pastel colors but the blue was sold out sadly but its ok their all still really cute I do have large thigh so they do roll down because even though I did get a large size and they do stretch pretty far my thighs are really thick always note these things are made for asian thighs. But with little tweaking they stay up even with out my trusty sock glue so I can say I'm truly happy with this impulse buy.
Last but not least I ordered 2 new wigs the darker one is actually a replacement Asuna Cosplay wig because mine was really old and had to go and the other was just a really pretty color that I couldnt resist its actually supposed to be Umaru hair from Himouto! Umaru-chan. I might cosplay her too because the anime is adorbs I love it and the hair color looks amazing on me. I have actually been using the lighter one on an almost daily basis I love it so much. I have yet to cut the bangs on both due to laziness. They are both 100cm. and the fibers are thick and soft and they don't tangle too much since they are still new but beware of windy days and jumping around too much. I am happy with them nonetheless since I love having really long hair.